Wednesday 1 September 2021

Thinking About Buying a Business

As more people join the ranks of the unemployed, the desire to own a business that they have more control over becomes very appealing. The hunt for a business can be daunting and, to assist you, I have compiled these tips. Tip One: It may seem an odd tip, but really is an important one. Make sure you are ready to purchase a business. But you say; "Why would I be looking for a business, if I'm not prepared to buy?" Yes does seem a no brainer. But from my experience, working with hundreds of buyers, some are really ready to buy and others appear to enjoy the process. Realize that there is no "perfect" business. When you find one that meets most of your standards, make an offer. Be sure to include in the offer to purchase contract that you are granted a due diligence period to examine the books and records of the business. And if the business is not generating the revenue that you were told, you have the right to back out of the contract and your deposit money is returned. Tip two: Do some research on the type of business you would enjoy running. When you acquire a business, you are purchasing a job. So it is important to find out what is involved in running a business in that industry. Restaurants, bars and convenience stores involve long hours. Will the business require special skills or licenses that you have to qualify for, or a waiting period to take the test for that license? Are you willing to invest the time and money to make the business successful? I once sold a business where part of the owner's job was to market. The business contacts were made visiting existing and acquiring new clients on weekends. The new owner purchased the business and became upset that the clients were not calling him. When asked if he was marketing to the clients, he stated that he wasn't going to work on weekends. Tip Three: Get as much information on the business up front. Request copies of at least three years tax returns and current profit and loss statements and, if you are not comfortable reviewing them, have your CPA look them over. If you don't have CPA, now is the time to hire one. You will need an accountant or CPA for the new business. sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 sagame6699 Ask for an equipment list from the Seller. If you are purchasing the property, ask for a site plan and see if the owner has a recent appraisal of the real estate. If the business is leasing the property, ask for a copy of the lease. Check the terms as to what is covered, the length of the lease. Does it contain options to renew? You don't want to be forced to relocate the business in the near future because the lease expires. And find out what is prohibited by the landlord. You may think that a large new sign is what the business needs, but the landlord does not want it on the property. Tip Five: Check the local ordinances as what activities the business can and cannot engage in. Perhaps you want to buy a restaurant and what to add live music at night. The local laws may contain a noise ordinance that would prohibit having a band. Tip Six: Where do you find businesses for sale? You could check the newspaper classifieds, though the businesses for sale column is thinner than it used to be just five years ago, there are still businesses listed there. Now businesses for sale tend to be listed on the internet, with websites like,,, and Network with people who own businesses in the industry which you are considering. Getting to know other business owners is good idea. They will be a source of information. Tip Seven: Your best resource is a professional business broker. In many states a real estate license is required to sell businesses, but a business broker is trained to sell businesses, not homes. Many professional business brokers belong to trade associations, like the International Business Brokers Association and Business Brokers of Florida. These associations provide training in the field of business brokerage and mergers and acquisitions. Business brokers are in contact with business owners and, because of this, know when the owner is considering selling his business, but does not want to advertise it on the open market. When working with a broker, he or she will attempt to pre-qualify a buyer by asking a series of questions. These questions will include what kind of business are you looking for and, what type of business would you be interested in operating. Another question is how much money does the business need to generate after expenses (also known as cash flow to owner) for you to live comfortably. This leads to the broker's the next question. "How much money would you like to invest in a business?" This is a polite way of asking; "How much money do you have?" The wrong answer is; "As much as it takes." Or; "It depends on the business." Unless you are Warren Buffet, it doesn't depend on the business. If you as rich as Warren Buffet or Bill Gates tell the broker up front, if not state that monetary limit.

Tuesday 31 August 2021

9 Reasons

Climbing the mountain to your first million is no easy feat for the vast majority of business owners. With every step up you take, it can feel like gravity is dragging you back down. But are you the one actually sabotaging the success of your business? There are nine contributing factors that commonly hinder small business success. Fix themand you'll grow your business.Don't address them, and you're going to remain wallowing in 'not quite making it' for much longer than you want to. Here are the nine ways to blow it on your way to $1 million in revenue. Reason #1 You Expect It To Be Easy And Get Disappointed When It's Not Many business owners simply aren't willing to do the hard yards. Even when offered a complete business template, based on a business that makes millions of dollars, with the provider willing to hold their hand the entire way, very few people will actually follow through to a notable degree of success. One of the most crucial factors in reaching the million dollar mark is to do the hard stuff yourself and leave the easy stuff to others. Hard is the stuff you haven't done before, the challenging stuff that takes some brain-power, some hours, and some outside-of-the-box thinking. Gravitate towards that stuff. Become part of the five percent of people who actually do what it takes and ultimately get what they want. Most people won't. Most people will wait, hoping it will get easier, complain when it doesn't, and eventually give up. That's no way to make a million dollars. Reason #2 You're Looking For A 'Sure Thing' Rather Than Being The 'Sure Thing' Yourself There are a lot of small business owners out there who will be getting a job soon because they just don't get what it takes to build a successful business. Those who want it all laid out for them, with everything explained in basic steps, with no margins for errors or change, are those who will really struggle getting to that first million. Systems are great tools. But the millions come when you back yourself, not when you are incessantly search for a system that will take care of all the hard work for you. If you back yourself and put in the hard work, it counts a hundred times more than the "sure thing" system you're hunting for. Each time you quit something, put something you need to do off until 'later', procrastinate and engage in delaying tactics, you're not backing yourself. When the going gets tough, you need to be the person who is going to stick through it to completion. You've got to be able to count on yourself. If you can't count on yourself, no one else will. And it takes more than one person alone to crack the million mark. khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji khabarkhaleeji Great systems can help you make a million dollars, but only if you take massive action as well. If you're waiting for the system you purchased to start making things happen, you're going to be waiting a while. Systems don't make things happen. People make things happen. Reason #3 You're Spending Too Much Time Behind The Scenes Instead Of Where You Need To Be If you spend too much time creating and perfecting your "widgets" instead of selling the widgets, you're not going to get to a million dollars in revenue any time soon. Perfecting behind the scenes is like doing housework. It looks neat and tidy, and you get a sense of satisfaction.No one notices though. No one is lining up to see the brilliant housework you've done. If you want them lining up, you've got to deliver something they want. People don't want your house to be clean. They don't care about that. They want to know where they can get solutions to their own problems and whether or not you can help them. There's no money in building the system if no one knows or cares about it. The money is in people buying. The losses are in you building up stocks and having no buyers. Reason #3 You Haven't Implemented Direct Response 'Relationship Based' Marketing Strategies Implement a direct response relationship based marketing strategy into your business and you will never have to go looking for a client again. Direct response marketing strategies will draw targeted prospects to your business who are incredibly likely to respond to what you offer them. And once you get savvy with it, you may find yourself with the high quality problem of having more leads than you know what to do with. What a fantastic problem to have in your business! As long as you are chasing leads, you will struggle to make serious money. To double your income you have to free up your time to actually deliver and run your business. The minutes you spend hustling can't be replicated. But you can replicate direct response marketing and get leads coming in from dozens of sources, all wanting to know more about the solution you can provide to solve their problem. Reason #5 You're Not Building Systems Into Your Business In the beginning, you are doing everything for the first time, figuring out exactly what to do and the best way to do it. There's uncertainty and there's trial and error. You do things one way the first time and a different way the next time.And you tend to keep a lot of what works in your head. But eventually an assistant will be doing these tasks for you, and they'll want a system to follow. Your assistant also needs to consistently document what's done and how it's done.Why? Because eventually they will leave, and if you don't have up-to-date systems in place, it will be up to you to figure everything out again or remember enough to teach your next assistant. It will be like starting from scratch, except now your clients expect things to happen a certain way, and they don't expect to be kept waiting, or for the quality of service you deliver to change. One million dollars in revenue can happen quickly, as long as you have regularly updated systems in place. Systems enable you to efficiently delegate and outsource, freeing you up to concentrate on more important aspects of growing your business. Reason #6 You're Not Educating Yourself On What Counts For Maximum Business Success Doctors train for six years or more. Accountants, four years or more.Many business owners simply go into business thinking they'll figure it all out as they go. The reality is that succeeding in business requires getting educated on how to succeed. Too many people think business success all comes down to having a good idea. Customers will come, they think. Not these days whenthere is more competition out there and more choices than ever before. So why would customers choose you? It has to be more than the notion that you'll be great if they give you a chance. Spending money on your business education equates to investing in the future success of your business. Greater success comes when you know how to operate your business well, rather than just having a go and hoping it all works out. Invest wisely in your business education, in particular on marketing, and you can expect to earn a tenfold return on that investment. The more educated you get, the better your judgment, the better your decisions, and the better your business will be. Get educated by super successful business owners who have done whatever it is you want to achieve and fold that expert knowledge directly into your business. Reason #7 You Don't Model Excellence Reinventing the wheel to grow your business is an unnecessary undertaking when instead you can draw on the expertise of others who came before you.Why invent a new system, waste time figuring something out, or spend hours brainstorming with other people who don't have the answers, when you can simply model the excellence of those who have been there and done that - spectacularly. Read a book, listen to a CD or a podcast on the subject by a business owner who is an expert in that area, and within an hour or so you will be educated enough to make an informed decision and take appropriate action. Decision making is a roadblock for many business owners simply because they haven't got the education and haven't modeled experts to make it easier for themselves. So they do nothing. Or worst still, they make decisions based on their 'gut feelings' or based on bad advice from people who are equally as ignorant on the matter. Do yourself a huge favor and study the experts in your field who have already faced what you're experiencing or heading for,and do what they did until you know better and can achieve even better results. Reason #8 You're Not Staying True To Your Core Business Too many businesses go under because the business owner gets distracted by the next exciting idea they've come up with, instead of just sticking to the core of their business. The golden rule is: don't launch into anything else until your core business is doing over one million dollars in turnover and is thoroughly systemized to roll along smoothly without you. Even if what you're doing seems to be getting more difficult and you're unsure of how to increase revenues, don't switch your focus. The solution is rarely to develop new products. The reality is that if you can make $50,000 in your business, you can make double that. You just need to learn how. The hard yards invested in learning how to double your business will be repaid countless times over if you stick to your core business. The only exception to this is if the niche you're in is a dud. In that case, cut your losses and bail. Boredom, a yearning for variety, and issues with following things through to completion are not decent reasons to change niches. Switch your focus only when you have replaced yourself in all aspects of your core business, not while there are still systems that can be improved to significantly increase the profitability of your existing business. Reason #9 You're Lacking A Strong Vision To Carry You Forward Business isn't always easy. Some of the challenges you face in your business can seem impossible to push through. Sometimes you will feel deflated and defeated by the problems that inevitably come with running your own business. The key is to make sure the vision you have for your business is so big it can carry you through the tough times.

Small Business

The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, signed into law by President Obama in late September, is designed to tackle America's continuing high unemployment rate by bolstering that sector of the American economy that has traditionally been responsible for the creation of the most American jobs: the small business sector. Small businesses, defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA) as any commercial concern with fewer than 500 employees, employ slightly over half of all private sector employees and over the past 15 years have generated close to 65% of all new jobs. It's no secret that the recent economic downturn has hit business where it hurts. Even in prosperous times, business formation is a risky endeavor: over half of all small businesses fail within their first year, in part because their owners have an incomplete knowledge of the business law necessary to guide them through business formation. In the year 2008, the first year of the recession, almost as many of these businesses closed as were started, and many of those businesses had been in operation over ten years. The 2008 $825 billion economic stimulus package contained very few provisions aimed at helping small businesses. The Act sought to rectify that situation by extending loan enhancements first put into place by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Among other things, the Recovery Act allowed the SBA to raise the government-backed guarantee on its 7(a) loans to 90% and it also allowed the SBA to waive its $1,000 packaging fee on both its 7(a) loans and its 504 loans. While loan modifications such as these make SBA loans a more attractive and useful option for entrepreneurs, it also makes the already complicated process of transacting an SBA loan even more complicated. Dealing with the SBA can already be problematic for startups, particularly those involved in non-traditional commercial ventures such as online businesses. In order to take the best advantage of the loan modifications, tax breaks and accelerated pay-outs offered under the new business assistance bill, startups and other businesses would be well advised to engage the services of an experienced business attorney who understands exactly how the Act can aid business formation. Provisions of the Business Jobs Act In addition to the loan modifications the Act contains other provisions designed to help small businesses attain access to the capital they need for operations and expansion. These include: - A permanent increase in the size of the maximum loan available under the 7(a) and 504 loan programs from $2 million to $5 million; a corollary increase in the maximum loan amount available through the 504 loan program specifically targeted at manufacturing from $4 million to $5.5 million. - A permanent increase in the microloan cap from $35,000 to $50,000 specifically designed to help entrepreneurs and startups. - A temporary increase in the loan amount available to SBA Express loan recipients from $350,000 to $1 million. The bill also introduced eight significant tax cuts for small businesses: globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale globalyachtsforsale - The elimination of all capital gains taxes for business investments held five years or over. - An increase in the write off for capital investments from $250,000 in Year One and $25,000 in Year Two to $500,000, and increasing the threshold for these write-offs to $2 million. - An extension of the 50% bonus depreciation through the close of 2010. - A health insurance deduction for the self-employed. - Simplified rules regarding the deduction of cell phones and cell phone-related expenses. - A temporary increase in the deduction for start-up costs from $5,000 to $10,000 (with a ceiling of $60,000.) - For certain businesses, the ability to offset taxes - including the Alternative Minimum Tax - through business credits from the past five years. - A decrease in penalties for tax errors that disproportionately affect businesses and small business owners (particularly sole proprietors.) An Experienced Business Lawyer Can Help The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 provides significant new advantages to small business owners and to entrepreneurs who are in the process of forming a new business. Counterintuitive though it might sound, historically recessions have been excellent times to launch startups. Just ask FedEx. However, the SBA process is extraordinarily difficult to navigate without the assistance of someone who is well versed in business law. Traditionally, the SBA has been very reluctant to make loans to startups: without a proven track record, the new small business owner is seen as a loan risk. An online business may be viewed as even a greater risk since in many cases it lacks the equipment and other capital that is viewed by the prospective lender as collateral in the worst-case scenario that a repayment schedule cannot be met. If you want to leverage the many benefits offered by the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 on behalf of your startup, your wisest course is to consult with an experienced business attorney.

Saturday 28 August 2021

What Does Selling A Business

Some people only ever be involved in a business sale once, typically when they are looking to retire. Others will find themselves having businesses for sale a number of times during their careers as they move from one project to the next and this pair of articles looks at what is involved in realising the value of a business. So What Is So Difficult About Selling A Business? It's important to realise however that there are fundamental ways in which selling your business will differ from the process of selling your car outlined in Part 1. When you sell your car, you don't expect: - To worry about giving out information to prospective buyers about the car. - To worry about advertising that the car is for sale. - To be asked to lend the purchaser the money to buy the car. - The final price to be uncertain until you have worked out exactly how much petrol is in the tank. - To be expected to have to give written confirmation that the car has not broken down in the last two years. - To be required to give your purchaser driving lessons. - To promise the new owner that you won't buy a new car. - The final price to be dependent on how well the car keeps running over the next two years. - To consider the tax implications of a sale. - To need anyone else's permission to sell (assuming that you have paid off any hire purchase). But when you sell your business you may well find: - You need to be careful about how much information you give out during the process as for example, you don't want your main competitors picking up your key customer list for free. - You want to keep the fact the business is for sale secret from suppliers, staff or customers until the deal is done. - You have to allow the purchaser some credit to enable them to pay you in part over time out of the profits of what was your business (known as 'vendor financing' or deferred consideration). - The final price will have to include stock at valuation ('SAV') at the date of sale. - You are asked to confirm some facts about your business in writing ('give warranties'). - You have to agree to stay on for anything from a few weeks to a few years to help train the purchaser in running your business or to smooth the introduction of the buyer to your customers. slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot You are asked to sign an undertaking not to set up business again in any way that will compete with the business you have just sold. - The price agreed includes clauses that adjust the total paid up ('escalators') or down ('clawbacks') based on future performance. - Tax planning may be vital to ensure you obtain the best net result from your sale. - You may need agreement for the sale and transfer of assets or contracts from your landlord, franchiser, or even suppliers or customers with long term contracts that include clauses covering change of business ownership. In addition, just as there are specific price guides, key criteria for valuing (make, model, age, condition and mileage), and specialist magazines for selling cars, there may be similar 'standard approaches' that are specific to your business such as: - traditional routes to sale - such as specialist agents who deal with licensed premises, agricultural land agents or brokers who specialise in professional practices, - standard information required on which purchasers make decisions or on which businesses in your industry are valued - such as barrelage for pubs, or - traditional sale terms - such as SAV ('stock at value') for pubs. So How Will These Issues Affect Your Business Sale? The degree of complexity involved in the sale process and the issues arising from it will vary dependent on the size and complexity of the business and the nature of the sale. - A small husband and wife or lifestyle business such as a pub, small shop or guest house might typically be selling to other individuals. To reach these they might advertise for themselves in the small ads section of the relevant business press, or engage specialist estate agents. They would normally expect to achieve a relatively quick hand over although a deal might involve some form of vendor financing (where part of the payment is deferred over time), and a short period of 'on the job' training in running the business. - A small service business or professional practice such as a vets, dentists, accountants, estate agents or solicitors will often use specialists firm of business brokers to sell to other firms looking to expand although junior partners within the firm may have the option to buy out older partners who are looking to retire. This type of deal will often require a period of consultancy of up to say two years to allow for an orderly hand over of the trade and client base to the new owners and the price may involve some form of 'earn-out' where the value agreed will include an element to be determined by future performance. - An established industrial business with a turnover of over a few million is likely to need to engage accountants to assist in preparing the business for sale, marketing the business and dealing with the purchaser's advisors. The buyer may be another business (such as a competitor in the industry) by way of a 'trade sale' or a team from within the business's existing management (a management buy-out or 'MBO') backed by venture capital (VC) firm. The purchaser will employ accountants to undertake a detailed review of the business's financial position and trading performance and prospects (a 'due diligence report') and payment might in part be made by way of shares or options in the acquiring company ('paper') rather than cash. - A rapidly expanding high tech business with high growth plans will need to engage a team of specialist corporate finance advisors to market a stake in the business to potential funders to raise money for the business's expansion. Depending on the scale of funding needed, potential investors targeted could be wealthy individuals looking to invest in (and often to become actively involved as a director of) growing companies ('business angels'); venture capital ('VC') houses looking for investment in the sector; or obtaining a listing that involves a number of external investors buying the company's shares such as an Ofex or AIM listing. This process will require the preparation of a detailed sales document ('prospectus') requiring a range of projections and professionally prepared information that needs to comply with complex regulation and the transaction can involve a complex range of capital instruments such as preference shares and/or options put in place as part of the new financing arrangements. So while business sales all involve the same activities, the type and complexity of the issues involved will vary substantially dependent on the nature and scale of the business involved.

Small Business Growth

That's right! Growth can kill your business. As a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional most of you are compelled to seek small growth business. Small Business Growth: Does The Growth Fit? In my personal business coaching practice one of the roles I take on for many businesses is that of a marketing business coach. As a marketing business coach I look at how we can promote the business and where to promote it. If small business growth is not consistent with your core expertise you can be setting yourself up to fail. For example, there was a business that was exceptional at house cleaning. Running a business had been very successful for the owner. One of his customers happened to be an executive with a large grocery store chain. As the relationship developed the executive wanted the home cleaning business to bid on cleaning and buffing the floors of large grocery stores. Talk about small business growth. To the owner this was the opportunity of a lifetime. The owner went ahead and successfully bid on the floors for the grocery store chain. Unfortunately, he didn't have the cleaning expertise and organization to do a good job. The grocery store floors took him away from his core business. Within a year he was out of business. When you are looking at business growth the first question you must ask is does is fit with what I am already doing? The grass and the money may look greener on the other side. But, getting to the other side may force you into an abyss that you will never crawl out of. Small Business Growth: Is It Profitable? As a marketing business coach we must look for a level of profit that will sustain the current small growthbusiness as well as any future growth. Back in the 1980's there was a company poised for small business success that came up with a retractable battery cable box. If you were starting your own business this looked like a sure fire idea for business success. For those of us who have used battery cables we know how it seems virtually impossible to put them back in a nice, neat format. This was an ideal product for small business growth. If small business growth can fulfill a need that no one else is, then the growth can be exponential. In starting your own business there is nothing better than a product that excites a lot of people and is something they want. slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot slot ewallet asianslot This company had it all except their marketing business plan was flawed. It cost them $14.00 to make and deliver the product. They knew to recoup their costs and to have the correct profit margin that they would need to need to have a wholesale price to retailers of $24.00. They had only one marketing strategy. They wanted to be in Walmart. They figured that if they had distribution from Walmart that they could become wealthy quickly. They went to Walmart and Walmart loved their product. There was only one problem. All Walmart was willing to pay them was $16.00. If you have ever worked with large chains, unless you have built a demand before you go in, they will tell you what they are going to pay. This company accepted Walmart's terms and figured that somehow they could make it work. Running a small business and seeking small business growth on a hope and prayer doesn't work. The company got its original shipment to Walmart. It sold well. The problem was that they weren't making enough profit to sustain their business. Within six months they were out of business. Small Business Growth: Grow With Care As a small business coach my most successful clients have grown with care. They have a marketing business plan that makes sense. They have grown in alignment with their core business. They have a profit structure that will enable them to grow and survive. And, they refuse, no matter how enticing the prospect of small growth business, to be seduced into compromising their profit principles. Small business growth is desirable. But small business growth is like planting and tending a garden. You must plant and grow with care. Always know your marketing business plan and your profit goals and your small business growth will take you where you want to go.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

What Comes First

Any business advisor will tell you the answer, but what's happening in the real world? Here are a few examples: VAT When Jeanne started her exercise class business, she decided after taking advice that she wouldn't register for VAT. It makes sense. If you want to compete with everyone else then you can't charge 20% higher prices to include VAT. But now she's stuck. She can't grow the business beyond the VAT threshold because she would have to increase her prices or take a significant reduction in margin. Now she's contemplating setting up separate businesses to boost her earnings. It's quickly going to get complicated - she can do without all the distraction of doubling the admin work. Five years in to running his hair salon, Scott takes a day off a week and shuts early some days just to limit his takings to keep them below the VAT threshold. But he's living hand-to-mouth. allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet allbet